Green Day 2015

In an attempt to promote caring for the environment, participating in the school’s recycling program and Green Thinking, and building on the success of last year’s Green Day, the SLO® Social Responsibility Department organized a Green Day which comprised environment-themed activities that was open to all students of grades 4-8.

On Friday, February 27, 2015 hundreds of students listened to environment-themed music while enjoying a litter-collecting scavenger hunt, playing environment-themed jeopardy, and racing to sort recycled materials. Students also debated environmental issues and designed art projects using recycled items. Feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive.

The event could not have been a success without the help of the high school Social Responsibility prefects who prepared, promoted, and staffed the event.

We are confident that the event’s participants will carry this experience with them. We hope that they always consider their impact on the environment, which ultimately impacts us all.

                     Georges Chedid, Deputy Head

                                   Social Responsibility Department